Grove Theory
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Grove Mind
We believe that the first five years of a child’s life impacts the way they think, feel and act for the rest of their lives. It is for this reason we place a large focus on educating our children from a social, emotional and physical perspective, while building their confidence and teaching them to be respectful to others, giving them the best foundation for their future.

Grove Heart
We believe the local community is one of our most valuable resources and in turn, we strive to give back in any way we can. Fundraisers are held throughout the year with fun dress-up days for the children, events for the parents to enjoy and much more!
Grove Body
Grove Body is aimed at empowering individuals and enabling them to foster good health and wellbeing. Some of the programs under Grove Body include Martial Arts, Grove Fruit Market, Yoga & Relaxation and Grove Fitness.
Our Grove Body programs include a variety of fun activities to get the children moving and educate them on the importance of nutrition. We believe this will provide a solid foundation in incorporating physical activity and healthy eating throughout their lives.
Grove Compass
Grove Compass scaffolds a child’s curiosity to give them a better understanding of their busy world. It promotes problem solving, exploration and imagination. We put equal emphasis on indoor and outdoor play with the belief that being outdoors improves children’s creativity, alertness, mental health and motor skills.
Grove Compass provides children with enriching experiences and encourages them to interact, help each other, share their learning and solve problems together.

Grove Expression
We believe the experiences children have during their first years of life can significantly enhance the development of their creativity. Grove Expression exposes our children to the wonders of the world through a range of language, art, music, and even cooking experiences. It not only cultivates children’s imaginations, so that they become more flexible and inventive thinkers, but also helps to develop their physical, emotional and mental capabilities.